2007년 10월 10일 수요일

Formulating Abstraction: conceptual Art and the Architectural Object.

- Therese Tierney

Chair: Kiwon Song
Panel: Moonsun Choi , Kyoungho Lim, Younggeun Kim

Issue of my views;

1. What is the meaning of 'Digital techniques(newly something)' in architectural field(another field)?

2. We need adeptation of traditional common idea to create somthing, Is it really?


We have not a knowledge of all the ologies.

Always we try, but is hard to achievement.

However, what is the problem?

Let's talking about unfamiliar fields.

The outsider occasionally sees the best of the game(way)!!

It is worth attempting for new meaning or different issues,
even though beginner of some fields can not created the works of good qulity.

Keep going on together!

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