2007년 10월 10일 수요일

Toward a Cultural Theory of Gaming: Digital Games and the Co-Evolution of Media, Mind, and Culture.

- Janet H. Murray

chair: jimmy low jing hong
panel: chee onn

1. Itroduction of article

What is the Game as Joint Attention Scenes?
'Joint Attention??'

Human Cognition arose in 4 steps.
- Episodic Culture
- Mimetic Culture
- Mythic Culture
- Modern theoretical Culture

2. Issues

Digital Games as Cultural and media vanguards.
(Digital Game is new ways of representing the world.)

This expression is most interesting part for me.

Not forerunner, Just vanguards!

I perceive something,
The vanguards means fore detachment soldier of military.

It different from the meaning of forerunner.

I think, it is different for some meaning between forerunner and vanguards

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